Keyline Accomplishments
Gorgeous! A terrific crew of volunteers enjoyed fascinating presentations by Dan Halsey bookending a day of practical implementation of Keyline Design. Our near west field has new berms and swales and a rock (those were big rocks!) outflow by the culvert to slow and spread the flow of water during major rain or runoff events.
Here is a view of the field with the swales highlighted and the rock installation circled. I wish I had an arial photo to show the actual shape and how the berm/swale combinations follow the contour. Now we have to wait for a big rain or the spring runoff to see how it all works!
And here is the ‘Defensive Berm’ near the pole shed. The berm is highlighed with red, it stands about 12-18″ taller than the field – the exaggerated countour of the bermĀ is shown in green. The blue marks a new and appropriatedly sloped channel for any water that does make it over the berm or into the area. It sends the water away from the viewer and into our intermittent creek.
And here’s a gallery of photos of the day.
A humongous “Thank You!” to everyone who participated. We are so lucky to have you all in our circle of friends!